A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

**This is an old revision of the document!** ----

A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

====== GIT Distributed Version Control ====== If you do not know GIT by now, you've probably been away from the software development ecosystem for a while... or you're very new to it. If that is the case, it is warmly recommended that you learn more about this great tool for version control in distributed environments. You can get a quick impression of what GIT is by reading this [[http://git-scm.com/about|introduction on the official GIT website]]. ==== Installation of the GIT Package ==== As long as you satisfy yourself with the latest Git release available from the debian repos you could simply issue the following command to install it on your system: <code> sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install git </code> In case you'd like to benefit from the very latest additions made to Git, you should then [[http://git-scm.com/book/en/Getting-Started-Installing-Git|install Git from sources]]