A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

**This is an old revision of the document!** ----

A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

====== Base Installation of LMDE (up6) ====== ===== Booting from the Live CD USB Key ===== ===== Preliminary Remarks ===== While running the LMDE Live CD system on my MacBook, I had to change a few settings to feel right at ease with the system. All of the following settings were easily accessed through the "Control Center" that is available under the "Menu" item at the bottom left of the screen: ==== Keyboard Layout ==== As my machine has a Belgian French keyboard, I first went to the "Keyboard Preferences" panel, added the Belgian layout corresponding to my keyboard and removing the original American one. {{ :install:control_center-keyboard.png?200 |}} {{ :install:keyboard_preferences.png?200 |}} ==== Screen Resolution ==== As I'm using an external (27") monitor, I thoough it would be nice to take advantage of it instead of working on a duplicated, lower resolution screen. {{ :install:control_center-monitors.png?200 |}} {{ :install:monitor_preferences.png?200 |}} ==== Power Management ==== One thing I noticed is that, when running the Live CD environment, **letting the laptop screen go into sleep mode would crash it!**, it became impossible to wake it afterwards.\\ As the operations to be executed would take some time, it was safer to modify the "Power Management" settings in order to never let the screen go to sleep: {{ :install:control_center-powermanagement.png?200 |}} {{ :install:power_management_preferences.png?200 |}} <WRAP info> Be aware that, when running the Live CD environment, none of your changes will be stored. Everything will be set back to default on the next reboot. That is because, while in the Live CD environment, everything is stored in RAM, nothing gets written to the disc. </WRAP> ===== Launch the LMDE Installer ===== At the top left of the screen is a green icon titled "Install Linux Mint". Starting the installation is as simple as double clicking on it ! {{ :install:installicon.png |}} ==== Simply Follow the Instructions ==== === Edit Partitions === Invalid partition table - recursive partition on /dev/sdc. => Ignore Unmount partitions to be removed (right click => unmount)\\ Select partition in list and click delete icon\\ Create new partitions following the established partition map\\