**This is an old revision of the document!** ----
====== GIMP ====== Gimp stands for "GNU Image Manipulation Program", it has little to envy to the reference "Adobe Photoshop". If you're a seasoned Photoshop user, you'll need a little time to get acquainted to the GIMP interface and some principals that are a little different between those two very complete programs. GIMP comes installed along Linux Mint LMDE, but you'll probably have to add some plugins to it in order to have GIMP offering the exact function you need. Here are some plugins of interest: ===== Save for Web ===== [[http://registry.gimp.org/node/33|Save for Web]] is one of the most immediate plugin you'll want if you're a web developer and are used to the "Save for web..." menu in Photoshop. As stated on the plugin page: //it allows to find compromise between minimal file size and acceptable quality of image quickly//.