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====== FreeCAD on LMDE2 ====== As described on the [[http://www.freecadweb.org|FreeCAD website]]: "FreeCAD is a parametric 3D modeler made primarily to design real-life objects of any size". The easiest way to install it on Debian Jessie / LMDE2 is to use the **//Menu > Software Manager//** search for ''FreeCAD'' and install the software. Unfortunately, the current version in the Debian repos is 0.14, while the latest available version is, as of this writing, 0.16 (or even pre-0.17)... What we'll try to do here is use an LMDE2 Virtual Machine to compile the latest release version (0.16), and create a .deb package that will be used to install this FreeCAD version on a workstation. In case you ask yourself why so much complication, and not compile immediately on the workstation, here are 2 reasons. * Compiling often requires installation of a lot of complementary packages that we do not always want installed on the workstation. * Once a .deb package is available, (re)installation becomes an easy task.