**This is an old revision of the document!** ----
====== ChromeCast ====== [[http://www.chromecast.com|Chrome Cast]], which current incarnation (2016.07) is Chromecast 2, is a wonderful little piece of hardware that lets you stream video to any HDMI connected screen, natively from Android, or mostly any Google products like YouTube. It can also be exploited from iOS devices using the free and efficient [[https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/photo-video-cast-for-chromecast/id733144626?mt=8|Photo Video Cast for Chromecast app]]. When it comes to Linux systems, [[https://github.com/Pat-Carter/stream2chromecast|Stream2Chromecast]] lets you enjoy the benefits of the streaming possibilities offered by the Chromecast system straight from your Linux environment ! **Note** The following assumes that you already have your Chromecast device up and running and that it is functional with other devices. Please troubleshoot your device before trying to cast from your Linux system.