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applications:graphics:freecad [2016/07/05 02:12]
admin created
applications:graphics:freecad [2016/07/05 03:57] (current)
admin [Make an Out-of-Source Build]
Line 10: Line 10:
   * Once a .deb package is available, (re)installation becomes an easy task.   * Once a .deb package is available, (re)installation becomes an easy task.
 +The following is based on [[http://​www.falkotimme.com/​howtos/​checkinstall/​|this article]] explaining how to create a .deb package using checkinstall.
 +===== Virtual Machine =====
 +We assume that a clean LMDE2 Virtual Machine is available as our starting platform. If you don't know what VM's are or how to use them, you can refer to [[http://​wiki.strategicz.com/​vhyper/​doku.php?​id=vms|this other wiki]].
 +==== SSH ====
 +As we intend to mainly (exclusively) use the command line interface to compile FreeCAD, we'll activate an SSH server on our VM, making sure it uses at least one **Bridged Adapter**, so we'll be able to access it //via// ssh to carry out all operations. As we intend to act as root, we'll also allow remote root login on this system:
 +<​Code:​bash |VM CONSOLE: Install openssh-server>​
 +> sudo apt-get install openssh-server
 +> sudo nano /​etc/​ssh/​sshd_config
 +PermitRootLogin without-password
 +PermitRootLogin yes
 +CTRL-X + Y (save)
 +> sudo service ssh restart
 +We'll also transfer our public ssh key to the VM so we'll be able to log into it without entering a password:
 +<​Code:​bash |WORKSTATION CONSOLE: Transfer public SSH key>
 +> ssh-copy-id root@your.vm.ip.address
 +===== FreeCAD .deb Compilation =====
 +We will refer to the [[http://​www.freecadweb.org/​wiki/?​title=CompileOnUnix|FreeCAD Website instructions]] to install on Debian Linux. ​
 +Let's now ssh into the VM to start our operations:
 +<​Code:​bash |WORKSTATION CONSOLE: Login to VM>
 +> ssh root@your.vm.ip.address
 +From here on, all commands will be executed in our VM's console, as you can see we also assume that we'll be acting as **root** on the VM.
 +==== Install checkinstall ====
 +As our objective is to generate a .deb file, our first step will be to install ''​checkinstall'':​
 +<​Code:​bash |Install checkinstall>​
 +> apt-get install checkinstall
 +==== Get the FreeCAD Source ====
 +<​Code:​bash |Use git to Get FreeCAD Source>
 +> cd ~
 +> git clone https://​github.com/​FreeCAD/​FreeCAD.git free-cad-code
 +This will place a copy of the latest version of the FreeCAD source code in a new directory called "​free-cad-code"​.
 +==== Install Third Party Libraries ====
 +We now need to install all the FreeCAD required third party libraries, as well as the compiler environment:​
 +<​Code:​bash |Install compile environment and third party libraries>​
 +> apt-get install \\
 +  build-essential \\
 +  cmake \\
 +  python \\
 +  python-matplotlib \\
 +  libtool \\
 +  libcoin80-dev \\
 +  libsoqt4-dev \\
 +  libxerces-c-dev \\
 +  libboost-dev \\
 +  libboost-filesystem-dev \\
 +  libboost-regex-dev \\
 +  libboost-program-options-dev \\
 +  libboost-signals-dev \\
 +  libboost-thread-dev \\
 +  libboost-python-dev \\
 +  libqt4-dev \\
 +  libqt4-opengl-dev \\
 +  qt4-dev-tools \\
 +  python-dev \\
 +  python-pyside \\
 +  pyside-tools \\
 +  liboce-foundation-dev \\
 +  liboce-modeling-dev \\
 +  liboce-ocaf-dev \\
 +  liboce-visualization-dev \\
 +  liboce-ocaf-lite-dev \\
 +  oce-draw \\
 +  libeigen3-dev \\
 +  libqtwebkit-dev \\
 +  libshiboken-dev \\
 +  libpyside-dev \\
 +  libode-dev \\
 +  swig \\
 +  libzipios++-dev \\
 +  libfreetype6 \\
 +  libfreetype6-dev \\
 +  libsimage-dev \\
 +  python-pivy \\
 +  python-qt4 \\
 +  libspnav-dev \\
 +  libmedc-dev \\
 +  libvtk6-dev \\
 +  libproj-dev
 +The following packages are required if we want to create a Debian package:
 +<​Code:​bash |Additional packages>​
 +> apt-get install dh-make devscripts lintian
 +==== Make an Out-of-Source Build ====
 +<​Code:​bash |Build FreeCAD out-of-source>​
 +> mkdir freecad-build
 +> cd freecad-build
 +> cmake ../​free-cad-code -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
 +> make
 +The FreeCAD executable now resides in the''​bin''​ folder, we can launch it with:
 +<​Code:​bash |Launch FreeCAD>
 +> ./​bin/​FreeCAD