====== Fontmatrix ====== (COULD NOT INSTALL IN LMDE 2) Fontmatrix is a font manager available for Linux OS. Up until Debian 7 (wheezy), it was available straight from the [[https://packages.debian.org/wheezy/fontmatrix|Debian repos]] and was thus available via the Package Manager app. The [[http://fontmatrix.be/|initial Fontmatrix project]] doesn't seem really alive for a few years now already, so we'll turn to the [[https://github.com/fontmatrix/fontmatrix|Github project page]] that has been maintained at least until the end of 2014. We'll follow the [[https://github.com/fontmatrix/fontmatrix/blob/master/debian-ubuntu-install.txt|project's instructions for Debian / Ubuntu installation]]. ===== Various Build Dependencies ===== Let's start with the **compilation metapackage**, it's probably already there but in case... <code> > sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake qt-sdk </code> Then the various **build dependencies already known by the package database** (this obviously won't work in Jessie): <code> > sudo apt-get build-dep fontmatrix </code> Under Jessie we try: <code> > sudo apt-get install libfontconfig1 libfreetype6 libicu52 libm17n-0 libqt4-sql-sqlite </code> Now, some **extra dependencies** added in the svn version of fontmatrix: <code> > sudo apt-get install python-dev libicu-dev </code> ===== Build Fontmatrix from Sources ===== We'll now switch to the [[https://github.com/fontmatrix/fontmatrix/blob/master/INSTALL|general make instructions]] in the project, we'll use the **/opt** directory to build Fontmatrix: <code> > sudo su > cd /opt > git clone https://github.com/fontmatrix/fontmatrix.git Cloning into 'fontmatrix'... ... > cd fontmatrix > mkdir build > cd build > cmake \ [-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug]\ [-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/install/prefix]\ -DWANT_HARFBUZZ:bool=true\ -DWANT_ICU:bool=true\ -DWANT_M17N:bool=true\ [-DTRANSLATOR:string=locale]\ [-DWANT_PYTHONQT:bool=true]\ -DWANT_PODOFO:bool=true\ .. > make </code> Feel free to select the options that fit your needs (remove the ones that you don't need like those between [ and ] here) UNFORTUNATELY AT THIS POINT THE PROCESS BREAKS ! YOU CAN INSTALL **Font Manager** from the Software Manager :-/