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Fabric (NVM-Docker)

The Hyperledger Fabric Composer environment requires a few prerequisites, that are listed hereunder:

  • Docker Engine: Version 1.12.x
  • Docker-Compose: Version 1.8.x
  • Node: 6.x (note version 7 is not supported)
  • npm: 4.0.x
  • git: 2.9.x

Starting from a Debian 8(.7.1) template, we'll try to configure a suited environment following Fabric Composer's site recommendations.

Having experienced weird “permission denied” installation errors using the root user, we'll try to proceed to installation as sysadmin when possible.

Install NVM

> sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev curl
> curl -sL -o
> bash
> export NVM_DIR="/home/sysadmin/.nvm"
> [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/"

Install Node.js
