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SSH Programming with Paramiko

SSH Programming with Paramiko - Completely Different, by jesse
Paramiko on github
Installing Paramiko

Paramiko is a pure-Python module and can be easy_install'ed as other typical python modules can. However, PyCrypto is written largely in C, so you may need a compiler to install both depending on your platform.

Possibly switch to your virtual environment, otherwise you'll get a system-wide installation.
You should obviously adapt the paths that are used here to your local situation
This operation will install the LATEST version of paramiko:

> source /var/python/virtenvs/myvirtspace/bin/activate
> pip install paramiko 

When initiating an ssh connection through Paramiko, the “usual” known host check will be performed. You known that, in a shell, when you initiate an ssh connection for the first time you'll get a message of type:

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is 9a:3c:cd:82:27:3e:6d:6d:1f:c5:d5:d7:bb:be:77:1c.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

Typing “y” will add this (here ECDSA) key to the current user's ~/.ssh/known_hosts file, and you won't get asked anymore unless the target's fingerprint is changed. This security feature is also implemented into Paramiko.