Table of Contents


We’ll go over verifying the ISO, installing to USB, setting up persistence, and setting up the environment. To do so, we'll follow this guide from

Get and Verify the ISO

Download the ISO and SIGNATURE files form this page. Put both under the same directory.

Using a terminal, cd to the download directory, to verify the downloaded iso use:

> gpg --keyid-format long --import tails-signing.key
> gpg --keyid-format long --verify tails-i386-1.8.1.iso.sig tails-i386-1.8.1.iso

Create a Tails VM

In VirtualBox create a new VM:

Storage > Controller IDE > IDE Secondary : [Optical Drive] tails-i386-1.5.iso

Plug the Tails USB Key, then in the VM settings:
Enable USB Controller > USB 2.0 > Add USB Filter (+) > Check your device

Boot the VM