A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

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applications:java:start [2015/09/05 23:54]
admin [Replacing OpenJDK with Oracle Java7]
applications:java:start [2015/09/06 01:20] (current)
admin [Replacing OpenJDK with Oracle Java7]
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 [[http://​www.webupd8.org/​2012/​06/​how-to-install-oracle-java-7-in-debian.html|How To Install Oracle Java 7 In Debian Via Repository]] [[http://​www.webupd8.org/​2012/​06/​how-to-install-oracle-java-7-in-debian.html|How To Install Oracle Java 7 In Debian Via Repository]]
-**UPDATE:** It's also possible now to [[http://​www.webupd8.org/​2014/​03/​how-to-install-oracle-java-8-in-debian.html|install Oracle JAVA 8 in Debian using the WebUpd8 Java PPA repository]].+**UPDATE:** It's also possible now to **[[http://​www.webupd8.org/​2014/​03/​how-to-install-oracle-java-8-in-debian.html|install Oracle JAVA 8 in Debian using the WebUpd8 Java PPA repository]]**.\\ 
 +Which is basically exactly the same procedure but the source list must state //​**trusty**//​ instead of //​**precise**//​.
 === Add the Oracle Java 7 Repository to Your Sources === === Add the Oracle Java 7 Repository to Your Sources ===